What do you think happened?

Okay so the bottom (positive?) wondfo test was originally negative/indented within the testing timeframe, so I threw it away. It was in the trash can with another negative pregnancy test sitting in an empty urine cup. When I looked back an hour later it was positive? Just this one- the other was still negative. It had been sitting in like a drop or so of pee the whole time I believe. I then tested LH and another HCG and both were negative? I’ve never ever seen an evap line with color like that. Could sitting with another test cause a false positive even if the other was negative too? I’m so confused. Probably gonna buy a FRER in the morning for peace of mind
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Following.. never heard of this!

Something similar happened with me and it was positive BUT it wasn’t that dark that’s crazy! Definitely see what the FRER looks like!! Keep us updated

Usually once out of time frame, any lines that appear are invalid but I’ve personally never had a negative turn positive. Absolutely try a FRER to double check but also don’t be disheartened if it is negative. Only read it within time frame xx

So I figured it out! Before going to the store I redid what I think happened with water! Sure enough it was “positive”! The wicking side was the side that was wet in the trash can and it caused a backwards dye run! Not pregnant!

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