IVF and second child
So I’m currently waiting for IVF for my next child. My first was natural but we found out we have a genetic condition. Anyway I start IVF in April and I’m super nervous as I desperately want another baby but I’m equally so nervous as my little boy is so susceptible to being poorly that I’m wondering how I’m going to juggle both a newborn and if my son is poorly. Help ladies
Hi Samantha. I have no advice but more just sending my love. My daughter was diagnosed with SMA type 2, a genetic condition we had no awareness of. And she’s my first. We would be in the same boat if we wanted another and I’m not sure yet if I’m ready for the process. I think you’re amazing, and I think you just will get on, us mums are superwomen and we just get on. 🫶🏼🫶🏼