Cranky baby?

Soooo is there a cranky stage about now or is it just me? Nearly 7 months (September 1st baby!) -Hard to please, wants to sit, roll, play but then suddenly gets mad. -Clingy. -Hard to entertain. She’s got a cold and forever teething, but when we go on a walk or into town she’s good as gold so I think it’s a boredom developmental thing? Thanks xx
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My little one was born 3rd Sept! He is quite fussy and clingy at the moment, and is teething and slightly snotty. The sleep is a bit messed up and I think he having sleep regression. I also think he is starting to get separation anxiety, as he does not like it when I put him down and goes to the toilet for example when he used to be happy playing by himself for a few moments. He also looks around to make sure I am close by. Babies can get separation anxiety from 6 months onwards when they start learning about object permanence and become more aware. He is also well behaved around people but I think it is because he is being cautious………. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I find the same... So we are outside all the time. Especially when he's teething, inside just isn't interesting enough to distract him. There are lots of developmental things, I can imagine wanting to sit/ crawl/ holding things but only being able to do some or not very well is frustrating.

We basically live outside now as she’s only happy when in the pram or has something new to look at. She cry’s if we walk into the living room because it’s her least favourite place to be 😓

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