I have an Incredibly supportive husband ! If it wasn’t for him I would have totally gone mad. He does everything when I can’t.! But that’s it really. All my family live too far. My mum isn’t well and dad lives very far. :(
hey, i totally hear you mama. i have 3 under 3 and have really been struggling with motherhood since going through some personal things. i’m so in love with my baby boy, but oh boy we’ve been going in and out of some really tough phases, especially with teething. it was to the point where i would dread him waking from naps because he’d just complain ALL THE TIME! changing his formula has helped massively. and i would really recommend arranging time throughout the week to have strictly YOU time, and try to be out of the house during this. perhaps something like the gym, or as the weathers getting a bit better, walking to a local park with headphones in, enjoying music/ a podcast. take a good couple of hours. it is not the mother who has to be with baby 24/7. you need to fill your own cup so you can pour into others. also try not to worry too much about your having your baby in a good mood, sometimes just like adults, children and babies are grumpy. it’s ok.
Hey mama what classes u joined? is it parent classes or? If so please tell me so i can attend too, thanks mama
Motherhood is one of the hardest things I've ever done. I love my son to bits but my goodness he's a little grumpy grumps! Just wanted to say that you're not alone. If you ever need a chat, feel free to message me ☺️
One thing I have learnt about being a mum is that literally everyone is winging it! People may look like they have it all together but I can promise you they have bad days too. This is literally the hardest thing I have ever done and I have days where I don’t feel like I can do this or just overwhelmed. I have seeker help mentally but I would also recommended talking to someone for advice. We are literally working 26hour shifts on very little sleep and also being needed all day. No wonder we are exhausted. You are doing amazing! Just take every day as it comes and try and find some small time for yourself if you can xxx
Do you have a support system around you? My little one is 6 months and when he has bad nights( up what feels like every 5 minutes) I really struggle during the day and going out almost feels like a chore! If your needing someone to vent to or just want to have a moan feel free to give me a wee message