Early potty training

I initially planned to potty train from around 6 months but it just never happened. Has anyone potty trained early? My son has just turned one and I would like to start now. Any tips etc would be much appreciated 🚽🥰
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Keep him diaper free 1-2 hours daily

Whenever he makes efforts to poop make him sit on his potty chair

I thought about doing it early as well. But after having my LO, I realized it might be best to wait till they can either comprehend more about what’s going on or till they show signs on being ready to be potty trained

We've put our girl on the potty since 6 months. I'd recommend: Putting them on when they wake up from naps/morning (easy catches) Keeping it low pressure and fun. Have toys, books etc by the potty to play with on there. Teaching the sign for potty helped us too. This website has lots of good suggestions too! https://eric.org.uk/potty-training/ Hope that helps 😊

I was thinking about getting a tiny potty and putting him on the potty whenever I went. I figure worst case scenario, familiarity will make training easier.

We did ec from 6mo on and he hasn’t pooped in a diaper since. He was pretty much potty trained by 12mo but we got lazy and put him in diapers again. He’s now 20mo and fully potty trained including naps (he does wear a diaper at night although it often stays dry). We did the oh crap! method and I swear by it. I also used stickers as rewards.

We introduced potty sitting & general bathroom familiarity at 7 months old! We didn’t hold any true potty training expectations just more desensitizing to all that potty training entails! Once we reached one year old we started using the potty every morning & at every diaper change & had some success but still weren’t holding any true expectations. This site is a helpful guide, They’ve got two different routes to go about potty training one for 0-18months one for 18months n above but you can take a look at em n see which might work for ya https://godiaperfree.com

I started at 8 months and my boy will try every time I put him on the potty. Even if he doesn’t have to go. I every morning I put him straight on the potty. I wasn’t very consistent throughout the day but sometimes when he feels he has to go, he’ll take me to the bathroom so I can sit him on the pot. Now I’m working on getting more consistent. So hopefully soon he’ll be more consistent going by himself since he keeps taking his pull ups off anyway 🤣

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