I think we all need to hear this!

This is coming from a mum of two who’s struggling - I’ve noticed a lot of post saying how they are struggling with baby being put down and how they can’t get anything done and I think we allll need to remember that our babies don’t want to be put down they want to stay close to who they feel safe and secure with! We all have things we need to get done and some of us have another little human to look after but I think we need to let go of the pressure and the expectation that society projects onto us that we need to put our babies down! Another thing that we all need to remember is it’s really okay to put our babies down to ensure we are meeting our own needs, wether that’s taking a couple of minutes to just regulate ourselves, go to the toilet, have a hot coffee because we’ve had a sleepless night! We need to make sure we are okay as well 🩷 babies crying at this age is developmental and we are still meeting their needs! We are all doing the best we can and we need to cut ourselves some slack! Hope everyone is okay 🩷
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Love this. My partner has litterally just been telling me that i need to look after myself and stop trying to be super mum so this post was perfect timing. X

This is so true. My LO has hated being put down but I started doing it last week, so I could go grab a drink/toilet etc and all she would do was cry. This week she's been absolutely fine in her bouncer and actually been enjoying it! 🥰


I actually needed to see this today 💜


Zackly 🤌

Well spoken.

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