If its your first growth scan im sure theyre supposed to be pretty quick in scanning you. I think follow up growth scans are usually two weeks apart. If youre worried ring the antenatal department and explain your concerns xx
My last one was booked in for a couple of days later, that was for a big baby measurement but guessing they would do it quite quickly…
They call next day x
My first growth scan was within a few days, but after that it was every 2 weeks
Not sure where you're based and it's probably different from trust to trust but mine had to be made within 72 hours of growth concerns. I had my midwife appointment on a Friday and was sent in the following Monday.
i was referred on friday and got an appointment monday
Thanks everyone xx
I feel you on this! I was referred for a growth scan on Friday but still haven’t heard back from Chelsea & Westminster hospital, can’t even get the USS team to answer the phone! My midwife said she’ll chase for me tomorrow x
@Kim it’s so poor isn’t it!! Hope you get an appointment ASAP! Xx
Whenever I have needed a growth scan it's always been booked in for the following day. They phone up and book it there and then during the appointment. I guess it may vary between hospitals though, but 10 days+ does seem quite a long time.