Screaming in anger
My girl has always been pretty level headed. I could tell her no. Sometimes I’d get push back but normally it’s be the shouting “no” and whining and crying.
The last week or so she’s been screaming. Like full blown face red almost pass out screaming her head off when I tell her no or don’t let her do something. Or even if something is inconvenient.
Today I wouldn’t let her choke me because she was trying to hang on me after her nap. I told her to stop that it hurt. Of course she started crying. Then I got her dressed (she likes to nap in just her diaper. And she started screaming. So much that she was gasping for air. And when she does this nothing I do can calm her down. So the last few days when she gets like that. I pick her up, hold her pretty tightly to my chest, rub her back and I wait for her to calm down. Usually it’s like 5 minutes. I don’t know what to do. My spouse said he thinks it’s the tv (she was sick last week so we pretty much just cuddled and watched Disney movies all week) but now that she’s better she’s watched like 3 hours of tv since Saturday.
I’m at a loss and i don’t know what to do.
It might just be her testing her limits, it’s big emotions for a toddler. Even if she’s always been level headed. My daughter is the same way, once she realizes I’m not going to let her get what she wants, she’s back to calming down. I always offer hugs and comfort but she turns me down