Yes, same for hunger, frustration and when tied. She also liek to suck her fingers so I need to find a balance between cover her hands and let them free for her to selfsooth and cutting_trimming her nails regularly
Ladies I’ve just been literally laughed out of the GPs surgery for even suggesting my baby scratches herself on purpose to relieve stress. Felt so humiliated.
@Marie were the same she likes to twiddle her dummy and put it back in her mouth so I have to have hands free now other wise she gets sad if she can’t use her hands
Oh sorry the GP was rude to you, show then this thread next time. You know your baby best
My daughter is almost three and has been doing this since a newborn. She will literally scratch herself until she’s bleeding. We went through months and months of drs and hospital visits and treatments!! As she grew older I noticed a pattern of her doing it when she was tired, hungry upset etc and realised it was a behaviour/soothing thing! She hardly does it in the day now but still does it at night when she wakes. She will strip of everything and scratch before going back to sleep! It absolutely is a real thing!! X
Mine little boy went through a stage of this and he kept getting scratches all over his forehead 😥 thankfully he's grown out of it now
Yes! She's 7 months and has been doing it for as long as I can remember. Scratches her ear when she's tired x