@Bec how come the consultant asked you to come back the next day for an induction?? asking because i’m 35 weeks, been having regular growth scans and i have another growth scan at 38 weeks and i’d like to be prepared🤣xx
@Sinead think it just depends on availability as I went for a scan last Wednesday and I’m due to go in on Friday to be induced I will be 38 weeks on Friday x
They don’t like to induce til 39wks. I was in today for checks and have to go back tomorrow. The difference of 7hours between being 38+6 and 39 wks lol
@Amy yes so annoying! Felt like saying I can stay in if that makes a difference😂
@Sinead it looked like my daughter’s growth had dropped quite drastically down the percentiles (in reality they just couldn’t get an accurate head measurement due to her being so engaged, which they admitted but wanted to be safe) and also there was an issue with the blood flow through the cord. If it was just her growth, I would’ve declined the induction but the blood flow from the placenta was obviously an issue!
I’m 39+1. I asked my consultant on Friday to get induced and she said we can do it as soon as I’m 39 weeks. I turned up to hospital at 4:15pm. Had a pessary fitted at 5:30pm. Just waiting for the rest of labour and results from pessary
@Dominika may I ask what the reason was for you wanting to get induced? I’ve seen on here a lot of people asking to get induced before the 40 weeks, but I always heard that getting induced increases the risk for further intervention during birth so I’m just curious, if not medically necessary, why you want to be induced? (no judgement, genuine curiosity) xx
@Sinead I have a lot of pelvis pain and pressure which was affecting my sleep and day to day life so my consultant allowed me to get induced. Had a sweep on Sunday when I was 38+5 and the midwife said his head is so low no wonder why I’m in so much pain
@Dominika I hope it goes well. Keep us updated if you don't mind please as I've been asked to decide if I want an induction but so scared 😫
I’m not sure if they would the same day, quite possibly but it depends on the urgency and availability I’d imagine. With my last baby, I had a scan at 38+3 and then told by my consultant to come back the following day for induction. I didn’t end up going in until 10 at night though due to lack of bed space! 🫠