Pump broken??

I have been pumping for 8 months now, I'm a low supplier and only get milk from one side. But the last 3 days I'm getting barely anything. I haven't changed my diet and don't feel stressed or anything. I usually pump around 40 mins. But I have to do a 2nd pump straight afterwards to get the amount I normally get. I thought maybe I wasn't putting the pump on correctly. But it keeps happening. This morning I readjusted 3 times but still didn't get my normal amount out... I don't know if it's me or the pump. The pump is elvie stride v1 I brought 2nd hand but was barely used when I got it. The parts seem all OK no damage I can see... I don't know what to do as I can't keep pumping so long!
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Have you recently replaced the silicone parts? Have you checked your flange sizes (they change over time!)?

Do you have insurance? Some give you a free pump.

Can you hand express? If you power pimp for a few days milk should increase

@Elyssa omg do they?! I didn't know that. Size seems OK I think. I haven't replaced the silicone parts no... physically they look OK though

@Shajntara no insurance:(

They won’t look physically bad, necessarily. I recommend replacing the silicone parks every 8-10 weeks or so (about every 2 months) if you’re pumping around the clock. Regarding the sizing, my flange size went down 2 sizes (21 to 17) on the right side and 1 size on the left (21 to 19) — you can get silicone inserts to change the flange size. No insurance means you’d have to pay for parts out of pocket *but* it will increase your milk output (which is being damaged every day that you pump with old parts/poor fit to flange size). Also, I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but for low milk supply it’s often better to use a “hospital grade” pump like a spectra rather than the portable pumps as they are more efficient at emptying the breast. I wish you the best in your breastfeeding journey. You’re doing amazing. Any amount of breastmilk is a blessing to your baby 🖤 but fed is best at the end of the day!

I had a lactation consultant recommend putting a small smear of coconut oil around the opening where your nipple goes to create a better seal and it was a game changer for me!

You typically need to replace pump parts about every three months with flanges every 4 weeks- 2 months. Would also possibly look into FB groups or marketplace for hotel grade pumps or getting signed up for your state’s social programs to request health insurance if qualify to receive a pump. Like others said wearables are less efficient at removing milk than a hospital grade pump.

Sounds liek the silicone parts need changing. Usually ever 3 months or 4.

I am having the same issue and have set up an appointment with my lactation consultant for this issues. That may be a place to start. I thought it was my pump and had the pump company look at it and they said the pump was fine. I was having this issue even after replacing all the parts.

I had this issue even after replacing parts at 9 months and so I assumed it might be my hormones as my period came back a couple months ago? Not sure really

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