Induction due to baby measuring big

Hey girls, can I hear your induction story’s due to your baby measuring big? So at my 34+5 midwife appointment baby was measuring big (off the scale) and breech which he has been for the past 10 weeks, midwife refered me for a scan but instead they done a glucose test, all come back normal luckily. I’m 36 weeks + 5 now and had midwife appointment yesterday, he’s measured off the scale again, measuring at 39 weeks, weighing about 9lb. Obviously I know these measurements can be well out and a scan is more accurate. She’s referred me for a scan but it’s not until Friday. But she mentioned about induction if he is weighing off the scale and at the weight she’s measuring when I have the scan. But I’m unsure whether that means induction within the next week or induction on due date! Just wondering if anyone can share there induction story’s due to baby being on larger size, and when they were induced and the size there baby was measuring. Thanks girls x
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I had a fundal height measurement that was off the scale and then all the growth measurements were absolutely fine. It’s good that you don’t have GD! In that case then really there shouldn’t be a reason to induce you early. The scan also has 20% margin for error in either direction. And plenty of people birth larger babies vaginally in spontaneous labour past 40 weeks :)

This sounds like my situation apart from my measurements have come from scans I’ve been told they are happy for me to go to full term but they’ve booked me in for an induction on my due date. He’s estimated to be 4.5kg at 40 weeks I really do not want an induction though so I am going to speak to my midwife about all my options and the risks associated with declining an induction

Honestly take the measurements off of your scan. My baby is off the scale on over 99th percentile at 6lb already at 32 weeks. I had a big baby first time and got all growth scans correct for me so I’m very trusting, but wouldn’t be of bump measurements as that’s literally my stomach not measuring baby. I’ve got a section booked at 39 weeks, and with my first was offered induction at 39 weeks (but I had a section cause of size and needed it as wouldn’t have got her out naturally at all). See what your scan says, see your midwife afterwards or the Dr and tell them how you’re feeling and see what they say!! X

Take measurements from scan. I was induced a week before due date, laboured for 24 hours then ended up in an emergency C-section x

I refused induction with both of my previous pregnancies, I just had more growth scans but they told me baby would be 8-9lbs and because I’m tiny they needed to induce, I went naturally at 39 weeks with my first and 39+1 with my second, super quick 2 hours and under labours with both and they were 6lbs 14oz and 6lbs 13oz so they got it way wrong

I was induced due to GD and baby measuring big, I was induced at 37 weeks with baby measuring on 99th centile - induction wasn’t too bad at all the worst part for me was the contractions. One reason they might want to induce you before you’re full term is shoulder dysplasia, bigger babies are more likely to get stuck this is why I was induced at 37 weeks instead of 38 (this is when they typically induce women with GD). Hope everything goes well for you, good luck! X

Based on comparison to earlier measurements and scan weights baby is likely a totally normal size as the scans plotted normal when the fundal height measurement was over the 90th. An induction cannot be planned off a fundal height measurement as it’s completely inaccurate as shown in your earlier measurements

I was induced at 38+5 my baby was weighing off the chart and my consultant had her down to be 10lbs + she came out at a whole 8lbs on the dot lol. She was however a chunk once she started growing and spent most of her time on or above the 99th centile x

Little one was measuring as 8lbs 6 at 38+6, came out on due date via forceps 9lbs 5. Wished I had a c section! x

You also mention baby is breach. This can elevate the measurement compared to previous ones as baby’s bum doesn’t sit as snugly down in your pelvis as the head. So the scan measurement will most likely be fine. Even if your baby weighs what they are currently plotting it’s still less than 4kg. And lots of women birth 4kg babies without any problems. So unless you’re keen for induction it’s best to wait for the scan. And if you labour before then nothing to say you me body isn’t perfectly suited to birth your baby.

I measured 'big'the whole way through, no gestational diabetes etc. had a 36 week scan where they said my baby was already 9.5lb and they induced me at 37 weeks. Unfortunately the induction failed and I had an emergency c section, baby came at 37 weeks 5 days and weight 8lb 1. So yes a good size but their measurements were wrong. If I could of done it again I wouldn't have been induced so early so either waited another week or gone for planned c section.

We were in this exact boat, they thought he was breach but he was actually huge, we were taken in 3 days later after the final “let’s see” scan! They thought he was 8lb at 38 weeks! At 38+4 he was born 10lb2oz😂 ive been induced for both my babies measuring big!x

I’ve had 2 “big babies” first one I went to hospital to be induced but was 3cm so they broke my waters, put on the drip and it was a long labour he was born couple weeks early and weighed 8lb15!!! Second baby I went to get induced had the pessary but no drip, or any pain relief .. as she was born very quickly at 8lb 1 x

I don’t believe our bodies make babies too big for our bodies for us to birth..

@Michelle I agree 😊 x

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@Michelle I thought the same! But after a big baby causing a fourth degree tear with episiotomy and now a prolapse, can't agree 🥲

I was induced due to my baby measuring big and I’d never put myself through that process again I tried for three days and then ended up having a c section. The scans were accurate in my case as my baby girl was 9lb 8.5oz X

@Amanta were your induced?

I was induced 3 days prior to my due date due to my baby measuring 8 lbs 12 oz at 37 weeks at the additional growth scan. I’m not sure if it was my luck or being a first time mom but the medicine didn’t work. I needed the balloon method to dilate after a whole day I have mild contractions and 0 cm dilated. They gave me more medicine which ended in 40 hours of labor, 2nd degree tears and infection. My baby also came out fast and swallowed amniotic fluid. She was in the nicu for a few days 😞 Not sure if this was due to the whole sequence of events but always wonder if things would have been different the natural route. She ended up being 8lbs 15 oz. At 39+ 5.

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