Second pregnancy

Took a test this afternoon because my period is 1 day late and I have been having very light brown spotting on and off for the last 3 days. Thought I would take a test thinking it would be negative and having confirmation would put my mind at ease and my period would turn up…. did not expect such a blatant positive 😭 my son is 18 months old I’m so nervous about having a baby and a toddler!
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Was expecting this post to say can u see a faint line? 😂😭😭 a bold positive Big congrats girl xx

Hahahaha same @Brenda Congratulations!!

Congrats! You’ll be ok! Mine are 22 months apart. Some days are hard but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

U be fine, mine is 13months between, some days are better than others but mind both would be wanting attention so best you get into a routine

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