Transferring into own room

Hiya first time mum here! I have a 6 month old who has nearly outgrown his next to me. But does co sleep with me in the bed most nights as I believe he doesn’t find the next to me as comfortable as it used to be when he was newborn. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to have a smooth move into his own room? He’s just so attached to me and fear it may be a difficult move.
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We started with our little one playing in his cot in his room for a little bit before we did it. We also always change him in there at night and he still has a bottle at bed so we feed him in there

Every child is different ofcourse but here’s what worked for me: My boy is 96% percentile so outgrew his bassinet really fast. At 6 months, i began using his bedroom for nappy changes, clothing changes, short play time etc, and then after a few days of that I started putting him in his bedroom for day naps only. Then I noticed he actually napped for longer in his room (before was 20-30 minute naps, in his bedroom he was sleeping for 40 mins - 2 hours) so I decided to let him stay in there overnight and he slept much better. We are about 6 nights in now & for 3 nights he has only woken once for a feed (beforehand, he was up every 2.5-3 hours!) and it’s solid sleep. When he was in my room he would constantly wake up and need re-settling. So I guess being away from him helps him sleep better & we don’t wake him up with our noise PLUS we can actually use our bedroom now without tiptoeing around. I was really anxious to put him in his room (I still am and watch him on baby monitor 😅)

I agree with @Sera Kay ✨ since putting our little one in his own room he has slept so much better, he now goes from 8:30pm to 7:30am where before it would be 8:30 and multiple wake ups

See at the minute he’ll go to bed at 6/7 and up again around between 10pm-12am then 4 then 7. So his sleep pattern is all over the place. So potentially from your experience he could sleep better in his own space?

He’s also really bad for going to sleep after a feed in my bed, I wait for him to go into a deep sleep. But as soon as I put him in his next to me he instantly wakes up. He just sleeps so much better in my bed

We decided to skip the cot and set up a floorbed instead. I now lie down with him until he falls asleep then roll away and go to my bed 🛌 once he wakes up I go back and sometimes he is fine with a little resettle and if not then I'll sleep with him there

@Antonia a floorbed, is the just a like a mattress on the floor? I’d have to look into that. Definitely sounds like a good idea!

It might benefit you to teach him to fall asleep on his own in that case. It’s upto you. I co-slept with my first and ended up with her having attachment issues and anxiety going into her own room even at 7 years old (she’s 12 now and no issues at all) so made sure my second born could fall asleep on his own

@Shantaye yes we just put a mattress on the floor (although you can buy frames too - google floor bed / montessori bed if that's something you might be interested in) I just lift it up against the wall and let it air for a bit when I change the bedding to make sure moisture doesn't build up underneath ☺️ I really like having it as it means I can leave him there safely but also cosleep as much as we still want rather than loosing sleep on the nights when he needs resettling a lot 😴

@Antonia this seems like an excellent idea! Will definitely have to look into trying it, thank you so much

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