Buy one on marketplace they’re usually in very good condition cause they’re not used for that long
I have a water dispenser which keeps the water at 70C rather than a more expensive formula maker. It’s fairly simple to do, no need to boil the kettle constantly and wait half an hour. You just change the water once a day and it keeps it at the perfect temperature so you just mix the water with formula and cool down. It was less than £50 on Amazon :) Made my life easier and it’s not super expensive!
I just prep the bottles with water and when baby wakes up I mix the formula in, he takes it at room temperature. When I have prepared the milk beforehand (and it’s in the fridge) I just give it to him cold.
If your husband is yelling at you I think you have a different problem on your hands… So sorry you have to deal with that 💔 I would definitely be having a major talk with him if I were you.
We use the Dr brown’s pitcher to make a larger batch every day.. Still have to warm up but maybe something to consider?