Is it personal preference
So I love being a mum and going on adventures with my boys, but being honest I do get those times where I would like 5 minutes to myself (occasionally). I do have a partner but he is always working (no work life balance) so I am doing all the parenting again I don’t care majority of time . Just recently, I got back in touch with a friend and she suggested going for an evening meal with her and another friend she has kept in contact with. She asked me what days works -so said after 5 in week but we can try do a weekend , not left my boys as I do the bedtime etc (I didn’t make a big deal just one little sentence). She comes back with oh forget that- we both finish at 5 so let’s do a weekend - you need a partner like mine who is ace with bedtimes and having kids when I go away- you need you time .
I don’t know if it’s just me reading into it, but it kind of annoyed me; like surely it’s just personal preference if you want to go out and leave kids or have you time? Like I said I like doing things with kids , life is busy and only on odd occasion wish I could have 5 minutes me time - is this bad?
I think if you're happy, who cares, but it would probably be good for your partner to have some solo time with the kids just for their bond, and in case you ever DO want to be able to fall back on him taking care of them. Like obviously we all have the relationship to parenting that we have, don't worry about how yours compares to someone else's, but it sounds like this is an instance where it would be cool if your partner could take the kids so you could meet your friends?