@Kiara he is 13
Look into Leaps specifically Leap 4. Once I started having an understanding of these everything made sense 😂. It is definitely a very fussy time but you got this mama!
@Kiara thank you I will definitely look into these cause lord 😩
I have a 12 week old baby who would fit this description! Just never seems to be content for very long without having a little grump. He is sleeping alot more than usual, so wondering if his little body is just busy growing and that’s getting to him. Glad to know we’re not alone!
Mine is going on 12 weeks now and he is the exact same way! I’m going to have to look into leaps because we are struggling over here haha.
@Bailey At 12 weeks look into Leap 3!
@Kiara thank you so much! I just briefly read through an article and it explains so much💗
My first had a regression during that 3/4 month period, constant fussiness, wasn’t sleeping well, and was hungrier than usual. My second is currently 3 months and going through the same exact thing. It’s normal but definitely tough! Hang in there
Is he about 14 weeks?