Its all on demand right now, you can't spoil a newborn... If he'll take it give it to him 😉🙂
@Charlotte so it’s not a bad thing then,I thought it might be abit to much
My 6 week old at the moment is having 4oz every 2.5 hours
yup my girl was the same! she’s now 6 weeks and has between 3-4oz each feed, during the day she sometimes wants another bottle after an hour!
My baby did that at 4 weeks, think it was a growth spurt, as long as he’s not throwing it up he probably just needs it x
Yup mine is like this too, my lil piggy he is! We're also 4 weeks on Friday
My boy at 5 weeks was having 4oz every 2 hours .. now at 6 weeks he has 4-5oz every 2-3hrs x