Scheduled feeds or on demand?

If you're bottle feeding, how are we all choosing to feed our littles? For the past week, I've been feeding my LO 4oz/120ml every four hours. This involves waking him up for most of these feeds. We've let him stretch to 5hrs a few times, both accidentally and on purpose. I'm interested in creating a routine after he hits 6 weeks and hopefully get him sleeping through the night. Just wondering how everyone else is managing this?
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My little one is bottle fed and I’ve always fed by demand even the day he was born , if he’s hungry he will soon let us know

We fed 90ml every 3 hours until our little boy was back to his birth weight, since then we’ve fed on demand - we make up 120ml for each feed and he sometimes has more/less depending on how often he wants a bottle.

I fed my little girl periodically until she reached her birth weight (by day 10) and then was told by my health visitor to feed on demand. She naturally has a big feed around midnight and then sometimes will sleep til 6:30am but if she does wake in the night, she only wakes once

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