Birth control - please help
So I’m 8 months PP and exclusively breastfeeding. I’m not on any contraception for no reason other than i literally don’t know what to go for. I know i don’t want any more kids in the next 5 years, if ever (i have 2 kids already). So i don’t think going on the pill would be a wise option if i know ill be on it for 5+ years (taking a pill every day for that long can’t be good for you?)
What’s birth control is everyone on? What works well with breastfeeding (don’t affect supply)?
I have extreme health anxiety and the side effects of all of them are making me not want to go on contraception but i know i don’t want any more children right now.
Thank you in advance xx
Speak to your doctor, then may be advise something like coil Personally i have pill and breastfeed, you can take pill for years with no issues.