Yes, had the same with my little one. It does sound like cluster feeding where baby is building up your supply and that's usually common in the evening / night time. As long as he's putting on weight and having a good number of nappies then it shouldn't be anything to worry about - though doesn't stop it being inconvenient! X
This is what my baby is like & it can go on all through the night. She only eventually sleeps when I give a bottle of expressed milk or formula. I literally dread the time of day coming because I know I basically have to sit there for hours feeding without her being satisfied
Yes exactly the same here! My boy is 3 weeks old, I found pumping a bottle for night time definitely gets him to sleep better x
we managed all day on boob and one bottle yesterday as he was literally on and from 1:30pm til 5:30pm he did better at night but he definitely goes to sleep for longer after the bottle! I’m surprised that he’s doing this so early on but it’s there for a reason! Just keep thinking every day it’s getting better! x
Yes, my baby is the same & we’re on day 12 xx