My husband has just gone back to work and we have a 3 week old. He does an evening feed when he gets home so I can get dinner / have a break, he also wants his time with her but then I do the AM feeding so he can sleep. He then does the 630am feed before starting work. I think it’s fair to let them sleep through the night if you’re on maternity leave.
I’m a stay at home mum with our toddler and baby and he goes back to work tomorrow. With our toddler and it’ll be the same with the baby. When he gets home he helps with childcare so I can do dinner if I haven’t already done it or I can have a bit of time to rest. He does bath time and then I do bedtime. He doesn’t do any night feeds once in bed. But now we have the newborn. I go to bed a couple of hours earlier so he can stay up with the baby and I’ll express milk so he can do a feed before coming up. With him having to go work I personally don’t expect him to lose sleep in the night. Now we have a newborn he will be watching our toddler as much as he can before starting to work so I can get a shower and get ready for the day. In terms of helping with the house, I do all housework and dinner but he will wash up. X