Day 11 pp and feels like milk supply has dropped massively
My milk was so full a few days ago Nd was feeding regularly now they feel empty but there is still milk :( is this ok. Baby is also feeding less past two days.
I think when your milk first comes in your boobs will feel really heavy and uncomfortable. Once they stop cluster feeding and get into a more settled routine with feeding they should feel more comfortable. Mine don’t feel as full as they did (now 14 days pp) but baby is getting satisfied from a feed and I’m also expressing enough for a feed from each boob a couple of times a day so my partner can do a feed. I sometimes think before I express they feel empty but I still get over 90ml out each side.
I think when your milk first comes in your boobs will feel really heavy and uncomfortable. Once they stop cluster feeding and get into a more settled routine with feeding they should feel more comfortable. Mine don’t feel as full as they did (now 14 days pp) but baby is getting satisfied from a feed and I’m also expressing enough for a feed from each boob a couple of times a day so my partner can do a feed. I sometimes think before I express they feel empty but I still get over 90ml out each side.