I feel like I’m failing

My LO is almost 9 months old (born 6/30) and I noticed her friend who’s two weeks older is far more advanced than her. Her friend is crawling, has two teeth, and is standing. Other babies her age are pulling themselves up onto furniture when they stand. While she rocks back and forth and has now gone from sitting to her form of “inch worming” around the house recently, I feel like she’s behind. I’m a SAHM and she’s my first, I do my best to play and encourage her to crawl. Her pediatrician is very happy with her progress and how she’s growing. I just feel like I’m failing somehow by her being behind her friends developmentally.
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My baby started crawling on exactly the day she turned 9 months and now at 10 months can do all those things! You are doing a great job mama and they each go at their own pace 😊

My baby just started to crawl at nine months and then everything followed he can pull himself up, can walk with assistance. Stands etc. I thought the same had kids at my daycare helping him crawl because I thought he was behind. They just do things at their own pace mama My baby is 6/11/24

My baby is now crawling and she's 10 months old and has 8 teeth 🤣 she can't stand yet. Don't rush, she'll get there. 🥰

I’m in same position girl. My boy just turned 9 months today and is just a pro at army crawling. My friend who has a 5 year old says they all go at their own pace. Know that your not alone, your doing AMAZING, and they’ll crawl when their ready :)

You’re not doing anything wrong my girl was born June 14. She can only military crawl. Has zero teeth and can’t walk or stand along furniture. She can clap and has just learned to wave. Babies do things at their own pace.

My July 2022 baby didn’t crawl til 10 months and didn’t walk til 16/17 months and now is the fastest girl in her daycare class and runs everywhere.

@Keisha ours are opposite - mine crawls and is pulling himself up to stand and starting to cruise and has 8 teeth but doesn’t wave or clap!

Not your fault at all. As long as baby is getting appropriate tummy and floor time then all babies are at their own pace! I remember feeling like this with my first and I kept worrying and googling when is he going to crawl. Trying everything. My first son didn’t start crawling until 12 months ! Literally at his pediatrician appointment I brought up my concern that he isn’t crawling yet , and that second he crawled over to the doctor. She looked at me like I was crazy 😅 he’s three now and walks, runs, climbs, all of it ! On the other hand my second baby started crawling at 6 months and I did nothing different with either of them. Give it some time !

Every baby develops at different paces. The pediatrician wanted my baby to do be looked at when she was 6 months because she wasn’t really rolling over. Not 1-2 weeks later, my daughter started continuously rolling over. You’re doing amazing mama! As a first time mom I was scared too. You got this ❤️😊

You are not failing! All babies are different. My first was already crawling at eight months and my baby boy is nine months was actually born before yours on the 18th and he is not crawling or standing or pulling himself up but is rolling everywhere. He has gone to the point where sometimes he’ll get on his knees like all fours, has me thinking maybe he will start but he isn’t at all so don’t give yourself a hard time about it. Your baby will do it when they’re ready💕

My baby is still army crawling and doesn’t seem like he’s going to crawl normally any time soon, if ever 😅 so I feel this

You’re doing a great job! My baby is 9 months old and just got his first tooth! My niece, she was very content and did not crawl until she was a year old! Trust me, you’re doing amazing!!!!!

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