6 month health visitor check

Hi ladies I’m in the Bridgend area and I have my little girls 6 month health visitor check tomorrow. The health visitor is coming to the house. I’m a bit nervous what to expect and what exactly they are looking for. Any info or piece of mind would be great 😊
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Hi I had the same visit last week for my daughter She will check the baby development like if she/he can grasp things making sounds Weight measure Seeing your home if safe for ur lo That’s it No need to be anxious at all

@Omnia thank you lovely does she check the whole house or just the area she’s in?

Just the place she is in .

She should also speak to you about introducing solids and taking care of their teeth

Hi I'm from Bridgend too and we had our 6 month check few weeks ago and she didn't check the house. Did the usual weight, height , gave us some beakers and a tooth brush with tooth paste. Just a catch up chat to talk about milestones weaning and if both myself and the baby were doing ok x

They'll check things like sitting, standing, talk to you about weaning and water intake, I was also given a toothbrush and toothpaste ready for when he had teeth, also weighed baby, she also spoke to me about my mental health as I have a history of depression and anxiety

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