@Olivia I so get that! But I have too many January and February birthdays between mine and boyfriends family and a few friends bdays 😂😅
Pregnant in the fall. The heat of the pregnancy will keep you warm throughout the winter. Have the baby before it gets stupid hot. Also, school wise you don't have that weird should I hold the kid back by a year or let them start.
I loved my May baby, pregnant in August and through the winter I wore jumpers. Into spring and not uncomfortable and then after birth the weather was lovely to get out and about. My December baby sucks timing wise. Just dark nights and cold, didn’t enjoy getting out much in those first few months and it was totally different
I loved having a January baby because it meant we could just cocoon with him during the winter months and by the time spring came around we could go out with him without worrying he’d catch something. Also it meant that I wasn’t too heavily pregnant in the summer. This time around I’m due in September and I’m not looking forward to being huge and hot 🥵
Different perspective. I’m a January baby and absolutely hate it and always have. It’s cold, and dreary. Birthday parties are limited to inside the house or those expensive indoor theme parks (which my parents couldn’t afford). I always envied kids with summer birthdays that were able to have a party at the swim club. Or even outside of their house with a bbq, running around with sprinklers and water balloons if they didn’t have a pool.
I really loved having a December baby, the newborn bubble was through the worst of the winter and then as we were ready to go outside more and stuff spring was arriving
As a PICU nurse, literally my worst fear with timing was a fall/winter baby (Flu/RSV season).....I ended up with a November baby 🤦🏼♀️ The next one is definitely going to be a spring/summer!
I’ve done two pregnancies opposite ends of the year, first conceived in Feb gave birth in October, second conceived in August giving birth in May, I found the first soooo much better! I got sooooo ill this winter which is just terrifying when pregnant whereas I avoided all illnesses with my first, I wasn’t tooo pregnant over the summer, I got to keep little one indoors away from all the bugs over the first winter when he was really little and when he saw his first summer his skin wasn’t so sensitive etc, definitely vote conceive late winter give birth in fall!
@Olivia this! I got pregnant in May with my son and he was born early February and it was perfect!
On the other hand, I have an October daughter so I was heavily pregnant over the summer...0/10 do not recommend 😂
I'd advise trying to avoid being heavily pregnant in summer, so whenever that works out to be 😊
I just found out I’m pregnant with my 4th, this baby will be born around November before thanksgiving. My others were spring and summer babies this is new❤️
I’m loving all these perspectives!! I think having babies in August and September are tricky various on the state you live in school age cut off times (ex. The state I live in the cut off date to start kindergarten/turn 5 by 8/13) having a summer day growing up was challenging cause my bday always landed on the first week of school or the last week of summer so not many kids would come to my parties 😂😅🙃 and I had my daughter late November the day after Thanksgiving. The summer wasn’t too terrible I was only like half way or close to 30 weeks. But I loved having my newborn bubble around the holidays in December but it was also a HUGE challenge with trying to please each side for the holiday festivities in December 🙃 I love seeing all these perspectives!! Keep them coming 😊
@Heidi omg! Congrats!! Howre you feeling?!
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I hated been pregnant through summer time it was so hard always sweating found it harder to walk at times this time around my little girl is due in spring so it's not been to bad carrying her xx
I have one in September and due with my second in November 🥹
@Kay omg I love that! Both ber babies! 😍 I kinda would like to try for another ber baby but Idk if I could mentally and emotionally handle 2 under 2 or wait 2 more years 😭😅😂
@maddie I am nervous not going to lie and abit worried as my first born is going to start nursery when the baby is due wtf am I going to do😩 what if the baby catches all the bugs my boy brings home!!!!
i have 2 october babies and the only thing i didn't like about my pregnancies timing wise was being quite heavily pregnant over summer😅
@Kay oh honey! I’m so sorry! That is scary to think about 😭 maybe just try to have all the vaccines you can to try to prevent that and just wash hands and sanitize hands more. Not trying to tell you what to do, just giving suggestions! 😊
@Maddie thanks lovely I’m stocking up on hand sanitizer 😂😂😩 also going back from what you said I don’t think there’s ever a good time to do it but if your thinking about it just get it done 😂 then it’s a nice small age gap. Trenches for now relax in the future 😩😂
Pregnant from July / August is what my body has decided it’s liked .
I have two June babies and I think that’s the best month to have one. Defiantly going to try for a different month for my next one but around late spring and early summer for sure. They are the perfect age for the holidays (I really never want a newborn during sick season). Then by next summer they are cruising or walking and you can go out and enjoy the sun! Also if you’re struggling in the early days everyone can get a healthy dose of vitamin D
I live in a HOT state so definitely not a summer or fall baby. I got pregnant with my baby at the end of may and even tho I was in my first trimester, summer was miserable. It didn’t get cold until sept/ Dec and I had her end of Jan. I can’t imagine being heavily pregnant in July omg
I got pregnant early July on my first and she was born middle of march, I found that perfect! Not heavily pregnant over the summer. I’ve just had my second and she was born Christmas Eve, and I already feel so bad for her for when it comes to birthdays 😩
I had my son in October, and it was so perfect. My maternity leave covered Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, so I got to just be with my family. I also enjoyed just having him all snugged up through the winter. Now it's getting warmer as he's getting more lively.
Whatever you do pregnancy during the summer is torture lol
I have both winter and fall baby in that order. To me fall was better because I was pregnant for my birthday 😵💫🤣
I actually loved being pregnant in the summer! I gave birth September 9th, loved just wearing flowy dresses & sandals during the end of my pregnancy. My daughter will be the oldest in her class which I like. Also after she was born it was starting to cool down so I wasn’t worried about her being too hot or too cold
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During the winter my belly was popping and I wanted to show it off but being winter I was inside all the time. And it was hard to put snow boots 8-9 months pregnant. If I did it again I do fall baby.
So I have a spring baby and a fall baby. I've been pregnant in summer both times and I don't recommend it. I have a almost 3 week old son and a 3 year old son as well.
I am a Winter baby who HATES THE COLD to this day! My first and only baby was Winter! DO NOT RECOMMEND we all know the many struggles that come with Winter.. now imagine that extremely pregnant, giving birth, postpartum & a newborn! I’d say a mild season would be best such as Spring/Fall.
I even fell down on ice by myself going to my 39 week checkup. I had no one to help me up it was definitely a potentially life threatening situation. It took me so much work to get up on that ice. I could have injured myself or baby THANK GOD I DIDNT! Or froze to death 😭 I live in the country and don’t have any neighbors!
I got pregnant in the beginning of November and I have an August baby😍 I love it. I always wanted to be a summer baby. The weather is great, so yeah. I am a winter baby and it’s not fun🤣
I’m due in April so conceived in July and I’m so glad it’s almost over because girl this heat and being heavily pregnant is not it😂
I’ve had two babies in summer in New Zealand. I think it was great for them not getting sick! Spring would be better for being more body confident come summer.
Both pregnancies with my boys were planned. I now have a fall (October) and winter (December) babies. Same birth date, different months and different years 😅 My birthday is in February and my husband’s birthday is in March 🙃
Got pregnant in june and it was amazing!! Was all cooped up at home with big belly during the winter and had my baby last week which is the perfect weather is not warm or cold perfect for walks! I get to have a baby for summer
I’ve had summer and winter babies and now having a spring baby. Spring baby for sure because first trimester wasn’t as bad in August, compared to being heavily pregnant in July, and I’ll have baby before it gets too hot.
Do not recommend a December baby. It's hard to deal with the holiday travel while pregnant so you are stuck where you are and people have to come to you. And then after that, you are always fighting the holidays for your kids birthday. Oh AND the popup snow storms.yoy spend all that time planning and working around holiday plans, set a day, get everything ready and then BAM-snowed in on the party day. Kid is 3 and it already happened. We are thinking of picking a day and celebrating an unbirthday for a party and letting the family do the actual birthday. And all there germs are totally ramped up, so for the newborn phase you are pretty stuck at home because it's too cold outside and indoors it's so germy.
I currently have a Spring baby. I’m currently trying for a Fall or Winter baby. I definitely don’t want Summer babies😂
It’s a miracle to get pregnant. It happens when it happens.
I myself am a summer baby, and growing up it was hard having birthday parties as all my friends had plans with their families. I also didn’t get celebrated for any school celebrations they do for kids birthdays b/c of that so I felt very left out. Therefore I’m making sure none of my kids have a summer birthday 😭
I'm not sure if I voted incorrectly, but my son is a spring baby and daughter summer baby (when they were born). I would choose spring
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I had my son in the summer and it was amazing ! I was so happy to be pregnant in the cooler months it was so much easier on the body and then to have my boy in the beautiful warm Aussie weather and enjoy Christmas/beach/bbqs/parties/swimming etc super lucky ! ☀️ 🏖️ ☺️ 🌺
if i could choose i’d want to get pregnant in august/september and give birth in may/june my daughter is a winter baby and it wasn’t my favorite
Get preg right before summer. Cute bump all summer by the time winter comes around you are big and don’t want to leave the house anyways. Stay cuddled up at home with a winter newborn. Summer come around and you are thin again 👏👏
Anything but the winter since I would want to celebrate their birthday outside. Having a birthday party during the winter would have to be inside.
My baby was born in November and I think it’s perfect - by summer time she’ll be sitting up and starting to wean and we can have picnics together also it’s been great timing as she’s gotten older I can go out and do walks as the weathers getting nicer
Heard someone talk about if you get pregnant in May you don't have to be super pregnant when it's summer, you get to be showing a bump for the major holidays, and your baby's bday isn't too close to Christmas