Yep they do count, you don’t really need to cut down you can just go cold turkey especially if it’s more of a habit x
@YazmynJade exactly I don’t get the rush?
@Justina don’t you want a full nights sleep haha! I think mums know when their LO needs the milk over it being habit! If they’re getting enough in the day aswell as solids then it’s more than likely habit! I stopped at 8 months for this reason and now he sleeps through 12 hours x
I ask because it’s definitely out of habit rather than him actually being hungry. Plus I don’t want his calories at night taking away from him eating solids in the day as he’s really not a big eater. Thanks x
@Elena I don’t have a choice because my son is rubbish when it comes to eating . So I have to wake at night to get his milk in him but if he wanted it anyway too I would cut it I would feel bad 😂😂
@Justina I get that if they’re aren’t eating much in the day why you would feed at night but if they’re getting enough food then deffo don’t need milk at night! I need my sleep to cope with him in the day and survive at work! X
Water the feeds down, then baby will just start to not bother waking for them! I did this with both of mine and they both stop night feeds by 4 months old!
With that said you have to make sure they are getting all the necessary nutrients in the day in order to water the feeds down!
@Francesca this is dangerous advice and should not be preached or followed
@YazmynJade not preaching - Simply outlining my experience, and as for dangerous not sure that's the case for a 10 month old ( for a newborn, absolutely). This was suggested to me by a paediatric consultants, to which I furthermore asked another I saw and was given the same answer with the additional comment, that I later commented, that this is only to be done if baby if getting it's full nutritional needs met during the day! It's also suggested in quote a few baby books..... But as I said only outlining my experience and success with it - People do their own research I'm sure!
Yes you do but don't force them to cut down let them do it when they are ready