My son has night terrors and his doctor says that I shouldn’t wake him up from it that it can make it worse. He said to rub his back and try soothing him without picking him up and waking him
Aw poor baby! Ive heard of that happen sing to lots of baby's. They say to not let them watch anything scary and watch that they're not eating a ton of sugar or things that upset their stomach. And see if they lessen. You're doing good mama!!
@Gia we haven’t woken him up! If I hear a little cry I give it a minute or so. Other than the time I ran in there. The other times he was standing up in his crib
@Jordyn yes we limit sugar and screen time in the house! Although he’s been having extra fruit lately. He loves berries (so kind of sugar). Maybe I’ll limit those a bit during dinner time!
@Indigo good to know!! I’m glad it only lasted a week for you all! That’s a positive thing to hear. I just feel so bad
I'm sure it breaks your heart watching that! I hope you find something helpful soon!
Yes, they can start around this age. My oldest didn’t start until around 2.5. Her doctor said to try to wake her up for a couple of minutes before the “episodes” start and it should stop it. If they’re already having an episode then do not try to wake them up, just soothe them by rubbing their back and letting them know you’re there for them. That’s what we did for about a week and she hasn’t had one since😁