Sorry to hear about your FIL! We recently moved my toddler to a new nursery that’s like between full time and term time only so had to find extra care for the month of August for example. I posted on a local mums and dads group and was recommended a few childminders. Went to see a few and picked a really good one that’s just a walk from our house. Maybe an option?
Child minders / different Nursey etc
@Diane I’ve asked my nursery but not heard back yet. I already work compressed hours and part time has similar working patterns to compressed where i work. I don’t really have anyone else tbh. It really is. My mum has also been diagnosed with breast cancer this week.
@Allie Are the childminders home based or come to yours? I’m not keen on home based as anyone can visit the house and have access to my child.
@Jade Thank you.
They are home based but it was very professional more similar to a nursery than ‘just someone’s house’ if that makes sense. There was one I saw where I can see what you’re saying but the one we chose I have zero worries about
@Allie Okay, I’ll look into it. I use to conduct DBS checks so seen the scary side of it. But obviously that’s a minority.
I'm sorry you are going through this. It sounds really difficult. It is hard when your support network is older and they have their own issues. I hope the nursery can accommodate some extra days for you. Or a childminder comes through for you. Good luck x
Ask if there are any additional days at nursery he can go. Even if it's a no, as he is already there he would probably get priority if extra space came up. Do you have any friends that could take him for a day if you paid them? Is it possible to reduce or condense your work hours or your husband's work pattern? It's a really tough situation to be in. I'm sorry to hear your father in law is unwell. In the same boat here.