Last min childcare arrangements

My 2yo goes to my in laws whilst I’m working and also going nursery 2 days a week. He’s also just started so still settling in. My FIL is currently undergoing tests for cancer and it looks like he may have cancer. So that’ll mean he’ll need surgery and some therapy. I’m not being selfish but what can I do for childcare? Nursery will be out the question as they have waiting lists. I did say to my husband we need to put him in nursery full time as we should rely on our parents. We had kids later, hence they are older now.
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Ask if there are any additional days at nursery he can go. Even if it's a no, as he is already there he would probably get priority if extra space came up. Do you have any friends that could take him for a day if you paid them? Is it possible to reduce or condense your work hours or your husband's work pattern? It's a really tough situation to be in. I'm sorry to hear your father in law is unwell. In the same boat here.

Sorry to hear about your FIL! We recently moved my toddler to a new nursery that’s like between full time and term time only so had to find extra care for the month of August for example. I posted on a local mums and dads group and was recommended a few childminders. Went to see a few and picked a really good one that’s just a walk from our house. Maybe an option?

Child minders / different Nursey etc

@Diane I’ve asked my nursery but not heard back yet. I already work compressed hours and part time has similar working patterns to compressed where i work. I don’t really have anyone else tbh. It really is. My mum has also been diagnosed with breast cancer this week.

@Allie Are the childminders home based or come to yours? I’m not keen on home based as anyone can visit the house and have access to my child.

@Jade Thank you.

They are home based but it was very professional more similar to a nursery than ‘just someone’s house’ if that makes sense. There was one I saw where I can see what you’re saying but the one we chose I have zero worries about

@Allie Okay, I’ll look into it. I use to conduct DBS checks so seen the scary side of it. But obviously that’s a minority.

I'm sorry you are going through this. It sounds really difficult. It is hard when your support network is older and they have their own issues. I hope the nursery can accommodate some extra days for you. Or a childminder comes through for you. Good luck x

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