Amh and internal scan results

Hi so my results were posted but my consult is not until next week, so...Google time. Could anyone please give their opinion about the following : 34yo 10 follicles on each ovary Amh 7.4 Chatgpt said amh is low but follicles seem OK? Any comments?
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That's actually good. My AMH is very low I'm 36. However the follicles present for me are 12 on each side at the time. AMH doesn't determine the quality of eggs, just gives an estimate of relatively how much time you have left I guess you'd say. My AMH isn't even half of yours. So I'd say it looks good!

Sorry I know it's not to do with your question..did you have to book amh through clinic or gp?

@Jem clinic. I've initiated egg or embryo freezing due to some health issuesi have (unrelated to fertility). They require all these assessments (internal scan and bloods) ahead of consultation where we will discuss next steps and stuff.

@Stephanie thank you for your feedback!

@Jem it can be done through your gynos office

Does amh testing determine if you should have ivf or not ?

@Nicola no

Just for some optimism. My amh was 6.5, we got 11 eggs collected, all mature, 10 fertilised, 8 made it to blasts. 1 is now my little girl and 5 were good enough to be frozen. Amh isn't everything, but I was so scared by how low it was. I googled constantly and completely changed my diet to try have a positive impact. No-one can say if the diet made the difference though, as I've not done a cycle without it😊 good luck and happy to chat if you'd like

Hi this is quite good but no AMH is not everything. If you are looking for some support and advice always would recommend to ask anything on fertility mapper platform- super helpful for understanding

@Chloe I agree, for the originally poster unless the doctor tells you it's something to worry about. I wouldn't worry, just causes more stress for your body. I have good amount of follicles and they grow and I ovulate on my own every month. My AMH is just super super low, I do have immune issues so that can play a factor.

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