And I don’t recommend giving milk to him or anything unless you’re brushing his teeth after! Milk has lots of sugars and can cause cavities. I usually just give mine water at night and she has milk usually with breakfast or dinner. I hope you can figure what works for you however. I know it’s a struggle. 🥹
I just had to go cold turkey with my son. If they know that when they cry enough, you give in and give them the bottle then that's what they'll do. Just throw the bottles away 🤷♀️ a thirsty baby will drink from what's available
Agree you kinda just have to go cold turkey. If you give it when he cries for it then that just reinforces the crying for it. He’ll eventually learn he has to drink out of a sippy cup/straw cup now. And I’d try to just give it with meals so it’s not associated with bedtimes. It’s a hard transition but they learn pretty quickly if you’re consistent! 😊
I had this issue as well with mine, but we finally got her off about 2 months ago. Not sure if you have tried this one yet, but the only one (still to this day) that she would take & helped me transition was the munchkin miracle 360! I know it sucks, but I kinda had to just quit giving the bottle to her because I knew it would be harder the more she was attached.