I’m 16 weeks with my second, due early September. Was tired first trimester and it was hard to nap with a toddler. Feeling good now that I’m in the 2nd trimester
Due in May, my little boy also loves to rub and kiss my belly. But I’m not quite sure he gets what’s going on still. And honestly I’m absolutely horrified of having a newborn and a bossy 19 month old. My son is very much in love with all the attention he gets due to being the first baby in my family. However, I’m so so so excited to see how he does, he’s very sweet and gentle with his cousin (2 months younger).
I just had my second on the 24th, and my daughter used to rub my stomach, and now she tries to kiss him and touch him. She doesn't quite understand everything just yet, and I know it's kind of difficult her to adjust when she's used to being the only one
I’ve got a 17 month old and a 2 month old! My older one is so good with him. It’s adorable
5.5 month and 17 month old. I WAS STRUGGLING so bad until now. I also had no help as my husband works 9-10 hours a day. I recently got a nanny for every other week to help me out. Kudos to all the mommas with multiples. I think there are moms who are meant for this and I don’t think I was. I cried like every day for months lol but it’s getting better. Routine is my middle name ✨ I’m starting to understand why God sent me another baby. As for my toddler he struggled at the beginning but he loves his sibling now and I can’t wait for them to play together soon!
@Alejandra I'm so glad you're doing better now! I was struggling with my daughter for a long time ( had PPD), and she was only 1 baby, lol. I told my husband I have no idea what God is thinking, hahaha. We planned to be done having kids - I am 39, and we struggled with multiple losses and infertility for years before we had our little miracle. There must be a reason, but man, I don't understand it right now. My husband also works extremely long days, so I won't have anyone around. That makes it much harder. I'm praying it will work out okay for us.
I think it’s almost refreshing to hear stories of people who also struggle because it’s realistic lol. 1 is sooo hard and 2 is sooooooo much harder lol but I’m here doing it so God doesn’t send you what you can’t handle. I’m definitely done having kids and I know myself and I can’t spread myself any thinner but I’m glad I realized that because healthy and happy mommy also equals healthy and happy babies.
I just had my second and my first is 18 months. It’s chaos at times. I have help right now but my first is very sweet with baby but needs to practice being gentle more. Maybe try to work on that as much as you can before baby comes because it’s still a struggle here ha
My little guy is excited! He loves to rub my belly and kiss it and ask for baby sister! Very affectionate but I’m nervous for 2 under 2!