I can’t stand mean girl behaviour.

Urghhh I can’t believe I’ve let this get to me but it really has and I think I just need to get it off my chest because I feel a little bit embarrassed. I’m in a group of new mum friends but there’s this one girls (there’s always one🤦🏻‍♀️) who I just can’t seem to click with no matter how polite, happy or show interest in her and the baby, I just don’t get it back. Let’s call her mum X. The rest of the other mums are really nice so I try to just get along. I can’t put my finger on it but I’ve been saying for months I just can’t figure her out. Maybe she just doesn’t like me which is fine, I don’t expect everyone to like me. But today really took it to a whole new level. I was walking on my own with my baby in the pram as he’s teething, so pram walks are the only thing he’s happy to do. I see this group of woman walking towards me that I don’t recognise but Mum X is with them. So I stop to wave hello and smile at her and she just completely blanks me! I couldn’t believe it and probably because I was on my own I felt really vulnerable getting ignored by a group of woman and ended up walking home with tears in my eyes 😢. Luckily I had sunglasses on. Anyway I just don’t get it. Probably never will understand but I’m 36 and I really cannot tolerate this sort of behaviour. Unfortunately I don’t have it in me to ask her out right what her problem is. I hate confrontation. I’m so tired from having a young baby I just don’t want any drama. Sorry just needed to vent x
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Jealousy. If there's hatefulness for no reason it usually always stems from some level of jealousy. Keep on as you are, continue to be nice and smiling at waving. The other mums will pick up on it, and eventually one of them will call her out, then she's going to feel terrible x

I feel you :) I am part of a NCT type of group and I felt like an outsider at times, also there is this Mum x who I have written to in private once telling her I cannot come to the gather up she organised due to me being quite ill and she just read and no reply back so I felt like I was not showed any compassion which sucked. So yes, there is always one Mean girls type of mum 🤣🤣 but it s fine, we don t need them, just try not to be bothered. Xx

@Jen I wondered if it was jealously but honestly it’s such high school behaviour. It’s really sad if she feels that way as on paper she’s got a lot going so well in her life, as have I. So why we can’t all just get along is beyond me.

@Liana oh my god that’s so rude. At least you had the decency to let her know. Where are peoples manners? Honestly it’s a hard enough time trying to get to know all these new people at baby groups and navigate a new role as mum, you’d think we’d all have each others backs.

Motherhood is supposed to be beautiful but it can bring out the worse in some people…….. they get jealous and become competitive. It’s like being at school again. 🙄 As hard as it is, ignore and move on. She is not worth your time.

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