@Jodi does your baby sleep through and what time do they wake up in the morning?? Mine wakes up anywhere from 5-7am and I’m terrified if I put her down earlier than 8:30 she’ll be awake at like 3/4am 😵💫😂 day naps are terrible, 4x30 minute naps.. last nap being anywhere between 5-6pm x
Mine goes to bed between 7-8 and usually wakes up between 6.30-7.30 x
Usually between 6:30-8 depending on the last nap
My baby goes down at about 8pm just after his last bottle of the day. My baby sleeps through the night so doesn't have milk during the night if I brought is bed time forward any earlier he'd miss a bottle or start waking up for milk in the night n I'd rather not disturb the peace 😂 x
About 8.30pm here!
We paid for a sleep consultant as our nights were sooo bad, he would wake 8-12 times. She said baby’s optimum time to sleep is between 6.30-7.30 and the earlier you put them down, the later they wake up. We find he wakes up around 5.30-6.30 the last week or so but I think that’s because of the sun coming up earlier! He stills wakes 2 times in the night for milk too. Our day naps are all over the place in terms of routine but she also advised last nap to never start later than 4.30 and to end before 5 regardless of when it started x
7:30-8:30 depending on last nap x
8:30-9 roughly x wakes up around 8-9am. Works for us at the minute but will try to bring forward for when I go back to work. Her wakes are so unpredictable but will always wake at least twice for a feed (breastfed) x
Around 7 😃
My little girl goes down around 10pm and sleeps through til 8-9am x
My lg goes down between 10-10:30 after her last bottle and wakes up between 8-8:30
@Jodi have you found an earlier bedtime works better? We’re struggling multiple wake ups x
@Laura 1000% he sleeps soo much better now. Usually 2 wake ups but the first is at 11 so not too bad! X
8:30 bottle, asleep by 9 and then sleeps through until 7am x
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My little one has always went down around 10pm and sleeps through until at least 8am with no wakes. Has done since 8 weeks old x
My son goes to bed around 7:30pm and wakes about 7:30am. My daughter (3 years old now) her bedtime was 8pm up until about 2/2.5 years old when she dropped her naps and then we moved bedtime to 6:30/7pm xx
My babe goes down between 6.30-7.30.. what are your day naps like? X