I'm not sure about only doing it for Mom and dad. But our LB has for a few weeks now just eating a lot at breakfast and not much else all day. Don't stress too much mama. He'll let you know if he's hungry. Toddlers can live off of one chicken nugget and a handful of cheerios.
Going through the same here. I read up on it and apparently around this age their calorie intake can drop significantly. I don’t try to force him so he doesn’t associate mealtime as a punishment, I just try to offer him water instead and with food at least every hour and a half & he eventually takes it.
Mine has been doing this too but he has tooth coming through!
Same here. My son refuses breakfast besides a few bites of fruit but he lunch and dinner just fine. He's had so many teeth pop in the last few weeks and also toddlers don't eat as much so I just try to offer him food as much as possible but not force him.
With my daughter who has molars pushing through she’s more so snacking throughout the day instead of full blown meals. Some days she will eat an actual meal and other times she won’t.
He’s probably just teething. He’ll eat when he’s hungry