your husband does, however, need to be a bit more supportive after you’ve just undergone a traumatic surgery/experience and you’re obviously grieving. have you sat down with him at all to talk about your feelings letting him know exactly what is going on inside your head? as he may not be aware. men can be a little clueless at times, and if he isn’t feeling effected then he may not see why you are, and may need that explaining to him. communication is key to relationships, so please try and communicate your feelings with him. there’s nothing “wrong with men” i hate that phrase, but men and women are biologically wired differently. he’s not purposely being emotionless over this baby and there are several scientific factors to back up the fact that he would not have necessary felt anything for this baby like you would have xx
So sorry for what you're going through and your loss ❤️❤️❤️
I think your husband is being rather unsupportive and I completely understand your feelings. He’s not your housemate; he’s your partner for life. You two made this baby and I understand men sometimes need time to bond with the baby, he should at least see how you, his wife, is suffering. On the other hand, this might be how he’s coping which is not very thoughtful. I guess you need to control your emotions, sit down and tell him things in a non accusative way. I know for a fact if a man really loves you, he’s willing to see things your way….. All the best and you’re such a brave soul.
1) your emotions are completely valid. they are significantly heightened, but they’re valid nonetheless and you grieve and process and feel however you need to. 2) this baby was inside of you, not him. the baby lasted 3 weeks, that is not enough time for him to process the fact you were pregnant let alone the fact you’ve lost the pregnancy. yes he should be more supportive, but the experience would obviously be more traumatic on you than it would on him because it isn’t his body and, again, mentally there’s been not enough process time for any of this for him to be effected. i’ve heard of men struggling to bond or feel anything for the baby until the baby is physically here too, that’s not uncommon at all, or they don’t start feeling a connection until there’s a physical bump where he can feel baby etc. i feel like you’re very angry, and you’re allowed to be, but i want you to also see that your husband isn’t doing anything wrong either (aside from lack of support).