There is definitely a surge of separation anxiety at this age. A few other moms of 2.5 year olds have said the same as well! My LG would happily play independently, always wanted to do everything for herself. And then overnight became incredibly clingy, wanting me to do everything for/with her, and sitting in my lap for ages which she would never do before. She already had her final set of molars so it wasn't teething related. However she did go off her food when they were coming through. The night wakings could be linked with the separation anxiety as mine went through the same. It was exhausting but we kept on with reassuring her and keeping her in her room. A couple of weeks and it improved For teething, frozen yoghurt and cold fruit from the fridge worked well for us. For bath time maybe you could turning it into a fun activity, get some of those bath crayons for her to draw with if she's into that? A new bath toy or bubble machine, something to entice her in? Or maybe a kid friendly bath bomb?
@Lauren you’ve just described my June 2022 boy as well, especially the sleep 😵💫
I don’t have any advice unfortunately but just wanted to say my June 2022 little girl is going through the same at the moment she is waking multiple times in the night (like 4+ times), then up for the day at 6am (she used to sleep through the night till 8am) she also is suddenly not wanting to go to nursery crying that she wants to stay at home which we have never ever had she used to absolutely love it!! Xx