In-laws with different political beliefs

We have opposite political beliefs. I believe strongly in mine and they're constantly talking about politics even while knowing I'm on the opposite side. I have felt offended-a lot! I have decided to go no contact but feel guilt at times. Curious wwyd?
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Some advise from an old-ish woman….. I mean this from a place of love. Everyone including you has a right to their opinions. Healthy, respectful debates are good and even productive sometimes. At this point the people in office are not making decisions. It’s lobbies, corporations and whoever has the most money to line pockets. As long as that is the case your interests will never be served. -no matter the “side” you’re on. I urge you to talk to them about how you feel and not shut out family due to opinions of which no one can control. Don’t let the tv or social media tear apart your family. The more people to love your children the better. Just try and live in the moment

I just debate with them. I’m not gonna cut off contact for different political beliefs.

It’s probably not personal old people like to talk about politics all day. Just ignore it or try to change the subject

Idk why people find it so hard to just ignore people with opposing beliefs and go on with your day. I do it every time I’m around people with strong beliefs on either side. I don’t need to debate, I nod, and move on. Don’t cut people off just because you “feel offended”. If they’re an otherwise good member of your family who treats everyone well and isn’t causing harm, why bother going no contact. It’s ridiculous imo. But if that’s what makes you feel better, go ahead 🤷‍♀️

Girl, this is silly. Yah, your in laws and cousins, coworkers and even close girlfriends probably have different views than you. And that’s okay. I mean, even in a non political conversation you have friends and family members who have different parenting views than you….and it is what it is. I’m sure u have ran into post and individuals on this app that have different parenting views as you. And you keep it moving. Instead of going no contact, just walk away when they talk politics. You could also push the conversation a different direction or just be an adult and ignore it. My dad and I have the same political views but if he opens his mouth and talk about the news and politics…my ass is standing up and walking to a different room. I just can’t stand folks talking politics at family gatherings.

Coming with someone who has family on both ”sides”, we all have some form of political differences even within the same party. I would set a boundary that you would prefer it if they don’t discuss politics with you. But I agree with everyone up here too, don’t just cut them off over a difference in beliefs. It is possible to come to a mutual agreement to not discuss politics while you/your kids are there. There is a time and place for everything.

Being on the opposite side is okay but if they’re disrespectful when doing it that’s the problem. For instance, I’ve been told that I should kill myself for thinking abortion should be allowed. That’s disrespectful, but if someone were to say “I think abortion is wrong because there’s options like adoption blah blah blah” that’s not disrespectful. Sometimes when politics are being discussed, people are so passionate they think everything’s disrespectful. Not saying it’s your case, but there’s a fine line. You can always try to change the conversation. If it doesn’t work, and you really don’t enjoy time there, stop going.

@Denise I agree. I have a family member who is just ignorant. It doesn't matter what side, they just say things that should never be said. I don't talk with them often.

While I understand the consensus, is it different if the "offended" is more how I don't appreciate gay people being called fag's, hinting that that other cultures or races are less than, feel like FIL is trying to pick a fight so he can satisfy a need to bully or argue ? Perhaps my poll was a little too general 🫤

So yes ignorance

It's ridiculous to go NC because of differing political views IMO. You're all adults, so deal with it like adults?

@incog I totally get it. My own mother can say some off the wall and ignorant comments. It makes me feel some type of way too because the things she says… it’s so damn rude and judgy. But, I just nod, ignore and change the subject, or walk away. I know she still has good in her, it’s just that experiences she has had have shaped her views in a bad way, and I know nothing I say is going to change it. I feel like that’s how it has been for A LOT of people.

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