Mine is exactly the same!! But weirdly she is ok in the pram but a NIGHTMARE in her car seat. It doesn’t matter how tight I do the straps, she will always wiggle out of the top arm bits so it’s only protecting her at her waist. Obviously majorly concerning when I am driving alone with her!! Anyone else’s do this?
I just this week ordered some extra safety pram and seat belt clips to help with the wriggling out 😆
Oooh brilliant, thanks Michelle will order these!!
This made me 🤣our little boy is strong willed. The only way he will now go in his pushchair is cause we took the one bar off, even then sometimes it is still a battle. The only way he will go in is if we give him his dummy. We gave in with getting him in highchair in January after myself and my husband both had to wrestle him in. It was ten times harder when one of us was at work. He now has a booster seat which he is far happier about. Wouldn't change him for the world though 😃wonder how much longer it will be before your little one refuses altogether to go in on her pushchair. When she sits down maybe not say anything and see if she will get up
@Hayley Oh I know that feeling, Sienna is a lot heavier than Aimee was, or even is! She’s nearly the same height as her already 😂 In a couple of years time they’ll be our eldest girls age and we’ll look back at this and wonder what we were worried about 😅😂
I'm going through the exact same, I just decided I want to stay indoors from now on 😅