Just ONCE, I’d like for my husband to…

…ask me when our daughter was last changed. He rarely offers and when he does he says he’d rather I just ask. But he’s annoyed when I do ask!!! It’s a small thing and our communication has gotten loads better since baby was born but I still feel like he just sits around and waits for me to do everything.
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I’d discuss it with him and have set times that he changes her, if he’s incapable of meeting one of his babies basic needs without being asked to like he’s a teenager! It’s ridiculous that some men feel like they can just use the ‘just ask me and I’ll do it’ card it’s immature and frankly unacceptable. I know you say it’s a small thing but from experience I’d assume there’s lots of these small things which accumulate to a bigger thing. I hope you get some help 🤍

That's not a small thing at all. I would be mad that's a huge mental load to carry! My partner sits my son on the potty when he notices he has to go! I'm so thankful. When he was in day nappies he was always offering to change him and he's always offering to put thr night nappy on or help me wipe bum after a wipe.

Set times like Anika said is a great idea like first thing after wake up from nap or before putting down from nap, after getting out of high chair, after coming home from an outing. Then those can be his set times to potty her when that time comes and you don't have to have the fight again!

@Alex yes, that’s a great idea! I stick to that as much as I can but it still varies from day to day, even with set wake up and nap times, especially when she’s been at childcare. It’s usually when he comes home from work and I’m in the middle of dinner and realise I’ve forgotten to change her where I’ve been cooking. He gets all huffy with me that I asked him. Like I know he’s had a long day at work but so have I whether I’ve been working too or home with her and I’d like not to change all her nappies if poss 😂

@Alex that’s amazing that you’re potty training so early as well! Do you mind if I ask how you knew it was time to start? Did your son show a lot of interest or did you start to notice his cues?

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