Yet another tactic straight out of the Nazi playbook. During the Nazi regime, vast quantities of art were looted, some sold to finance the war efforts and others destroyed, with modern art deemed "degenerate" and targeted for removal from public display or destruction.
At this rate I see a civil war coming within 5-10 years mac
Nothing like becoming more and more like Nazi Germany… we just missing concentration camps… oh wait… that’s already here too… 😒
You can’t change history. By hiding it you are more likely to repeat it. Which I think is the goal here. Reading the whole order made it worse…Even the name itself is comical. But in ‘you have to laugh to keep from crying’ kind of way.
Also, those of you who voted “history needs to be regulated” please explain your logic. I’m genuinely intrigued.
I honestly hope no one is going to debate this, I haven’t personally researched what’s at Smithsonian but to refuse to show specific pieces of history based on if it offends someone is ridiculous. People can censor themselves, but come on don’t erase or hide history