Social anxiety

How would you handle your partners social anxiety in restaurants? My fiance always gets bad anxiety in restaurants and we always have to request a table away from people but dinner still always ends up getting ruined bc we end up arguing about him not being deal with people around him. I’m not trying to be insensitive and trying to be understanding but I’m so tired of not being able to go out to eat with him because of it. Any advice?
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Leave him so he can find someone who’s better fitted for his needs and his personality. If you care more about going out to restaurants and having him “ruin your night” than you don’t care about his needs. Honestly my husband rocks we literally always ask what social battery each other has that day before going out. So we both know if one of us says it’s low power mode that means one of us is at 20% battery for being out around people. Honestly the best dates we have had is in bed with a towel on the bed and takeout food. We love it because we play a game of who will break first….we eat in barely any clothes and whoever breaks first has to be on top 😂 he loves when I ride him but he can’t help but love when I wear only a thong to eat dinner in.

@Katrina spot on. and i love your eye shadow in your pfp!

@Katrina so you can’t have a happy medium in a relationship where you meet both each others desires? It has to be one persons way or no way? lol

for him, it's not really about desire, though, if it's truly anxiety. anxiety isn't exactly optional. there are a lot of compromises that you can make, like getting take out, going out to eat with friends or family instead, cooking at home together, etc. and I wonder if knowing that his anxiety is going to start a fight, is causing his anxiety to be even worse before yall even get to sit down and eat, you know? I'm sure he's just as tired of his anxiety as you are, if not moreso because on top of the anxiety he now probably feels guilty that he can't just be "normal" and meet your "desires." anxiety is a bitch and has led to many a breakdown for me, but I'm so fortunate that my partner understands.

So if you had seizures and couldn’t go to certain places because the lights caused you to have a seizure it would be your fault for not trying hard enough and you are just ruining the fun? Why is anxiety treated any different

Is he in therapy? Have you tried sitting down with him to see if there's a way to get some dinners out? And what about eating out makes you want that specifically? There could be solutions if you both work on figuring out a happy medium. For me, the main thing I like about eating out is no cooking or dishes, so if it's the same for you maybe go at a time or location where there's less people, like 2-3pm usually is a less crowded time in most places, or a weekday opposed to weekend. Or do a pickup order at a place you like and have a picnic at a park. As difficult as you feel his anxiety is for you to deal with, just try to imagine how hard it is for him.

@Chelsy I’m a big foodie I love eating out and I want to enjoy that with my partner. He isn’t in therapy although he would like to but he doesn’t have insurance. The post isn’t to come off as selfish I just want to help find a way to meet each other in the middle. Like tips from people with social anxiety on how they overcome situations like this? I have anxiety myself so I’m not trying to come off as selfish I completely understand it’s out of his control I just want to help him through it.

I think he might need professional help. Therapy, meds, support animal. Going out to eat is a pretty normal date activity for couples, like the bare minimum of being in a relationship. How did he ever get through school or ride a bus or a plane if he can't be around people? Does this mean you can't go to movies either, if the seats are filled? Anyway, I think he needs professional help because his condition is debilitating, and it is affecting his partner.

@Hayley I agree.

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