If my LB is busy playing or absorbed in something he won't always answer to his name. I thought it was pretty normal at this age tbh x
My little boy 100% knows his name but if he’s not in the mood he will literally fully ignore me. They do what they like. If she responds sometimes I feel that’s more than enough at this age
I agree with all of these ⬆️
My kid will straight up ignore If I rustle a pack of biscuits however, she’s all over it! 😂
I believe autism is not just about responding to name, there are other things that would be obvious like lack of general communication with parents, no pointing etc. My LO also wouldn’t respond to name when playing, i think it is normal as they explore, perhaps worth following advice about glue ear
Thanks ladies! That's put my mind at ease. She 100% knows her name..when she wants to! @Aizhan I will book to see the GP about the glue ear, at least it can be ruled out and I can let nursery know
At this age surely it's if they wanna do what you say?