Me!! My little one is 1.5 and i still wear a nappie whilst I’m on period..horibble
Yeah and more painful cramps as well, sometimes I get sharp pain in my right ovary when I bend down which is really weird but I never had that before
Yeah I had really heavy on before Christmas I was on from end of October to January. I went back and forwards to doctors and I double up on pads and triple sometimes it was that bad.
Yes heavier more painful and all.over the place some are 25 wk some at long as 45 days. All gynecologist say is go on coil control them. Like that the answer. But every 5 yrs ur period are suppose to change
Mine heavier with more cramps for sure. And I struggle to retain a tampon now too so have to wear period pants :(
Omg yes I thought I was the only one, and I think it’s the reason for my anaemia! Xx