@Incognito oh hes definitely nosey🤣. Oh yeah definitely getting a wide range of food and plenty of dairy too so thats made me feel better thank you! x
@Sophie sounds like he’s doing great then ☺️ might just be worth checking if he needs any vitamin drops? (might be different as I formula feed and know he needs at least 500ml of formula or I need to give drops I think) x
@Incognito aw yeah he still has the vitamin D drops, he needed them from birth x
Not breastfed but formula and my boys been on 2 bottles since just before 9 months. He then dropped to 6oz am and 8oz pm about 6 weeks ago and now he’s on 6oz am and 6oz pm he’s just gradually reducing which I’m happy about tbh x
@Elena oh perfect that sounds similar to what my boy is doing, hes definitely not feeding for as long as he would have previously so he's clearly taking less and just the twice a day. Yeah im happy to be weaning off tbh, im ready and he clearly is too. Hopefully it will make the transition to cows milk easier🤞x
My first was like this, and second isn't too far off tbh. She's currently ebf only 3 times a day but I'm back at work in 2 weeks so it's actually worked out well as she won't take a bottle. I think she'll be down to bf only morning and night in a month or so! x
@Suzie sounds exactly like my boy, he wont take a bottle either but his brother would! Glad to hear we're not the only ones feeding like this now x
My niece weaned herself from breastfeeding completely at 10m so it can happen! But could also be developmental (busy being nosey in the day 🤣) or teething, cold etc. I’d say if they are happy and getting nutritionally everything they need it’s ok ☺️