Teeth brushing tips please!

My LG (16 months) has quite a lot of teeth now but HATES having her teeth brushed, so much that she just refuses. She just won't open her mouth and then snatches her toothbrush and throws it in the sink and gets really upset. I've tried a few things - making it playful, asking her to show me her teeth, she 'helps' me brush my teeth, we play at brushing her favourite toy's teeth, etc etc. Wondering if anyone has any tips or ideas I've not thought of?! Thank you in advance! 😊
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Will she chew herself if you give to her or just chucks it? We have resorted to brush your teeth songs on YouTube and she’ll sit and chew for a bit. Dentist said chewing is absolutely fine right now until she’s a bit older and we can maybe explain to her a bit easier etc and get in there ourselves x

I could have wrote this myself, my LG is EXACTLY the same 🙄

Sometimes the only thing that works is holding to look out the window or even a 2 min screen video. In thr grand scheme of things I think 2 mins screen time from time to time is not as bad as rotting teeth. It's not needed every day, sometimes I get away with letting him brush mine first (lol) and singing the wheels on the bus 'this is how we brush our teeth... brush our teeth round and round... up and down... side to side... etc). I use same song for washing and drying hands. My LO loves biting his but really wants mine more thinking bigger is better and doesn't understand its one thing we don't share 🙈 and that biting is not effective brushing of 16 teeth

My LG is the same and I have to pin her down to get them brushed ☹️ she has 16 teeth now though so I’d rather pin her down and make sure they’re brushed properly. She kicks up a fuss but she’s absolutely fine as soon as we’re finished so I’m going she’ll grow out of it/understand it isn’t so bad eventually! I periodically try doing it without pinning her down but it’s impossible!

We are going through the same. I've started putting a 2 min timer on my phone for me first. She will watch me brush my teeth whilst mostly chewing her toothbrush. Then I set a 2 min timer when brushing little ones teeth. There's a little song at the end of the 2 mins which we dance to. This is kinda working she's showing more interest now!

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