How do you start feeling better?

I'm so depressed. I had depression before I got pregnant, but like....this is something else. I'm lonely. I don't feel seen or heard. I don't have a good support system and I don't have any friends. That's why I downloaded this app. I havent had any luck so far. I feel like I'm literally screaming into the void and the only thing I'm hearing back are the echoes of my own voice and my babies cries. I'm married but I feel like a single mom. I don't know how much longer I can do this.
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I had to up my antidepressant after birth. We basically doubled the dose and it has helped tremendously. Feel free to message me and vent away, if you'd like. We all need friends and people to vent to

Sorry you've been feeling down lately, Erica. Adjusting to change in life is very difficult sometimes, especially without a support system. I live far from me family so I've definitely felt overwhelmed and alone some days. What helps me sometimes is going out on solo dates with my little ones or trying to schedule things throughout the week to look forward to like a movie day or a pizza night. I know this doesn't solve the entire issue, but giving ourselves little things to enjoy like this can make a difference.

I feel you, Mama. I've been there. I had ppd for my 2nd child and never got support. Especially since the pandemic hit right after. I recently gave birth to my 3rd one, and I scheduled over the phone sessions with a therapist to be on the safe side. Is there any way you could see or talk to a therapist? I find that having someone who listens helps a lot. If you can, try getting some fresh air and sunlight first thing in the morning. Even if it's on your porch or by the window. And eat something nourishing for breakfast, before any coffee if you drink any caffeine. Try drinking lemon balm tea in the late after noon or at night, before bed. It will help soothe and calm you. Try having music that you enjoy playing in the background. And if you like diffusing oils, give Rose Geranium a try. Hopefully, any of these tips will help you out a bit before you can get any other type of help. Know that you are not alone on this. 🤍

Hey so I feel this 100% and I’d love to talk if you want to have a vent sesh or just have adult conversation, it’s rough out here

You are def not alone. I understand you. I have a 4 month old boy and just adore him but deep down feel lonely and a bit overwhelmed as I feel I just hit a restart button on my entire life. I am married as well and feel I am doing it all on my own as my husband works a lot and late hours. I have good friends but they all live far away now or don’t have kids….Please reach out anytime! Would love to connect.

Hey there! I was feeling the exact same way. Except I didn’t suffer from depression prior to the baby. I suffered from ptsd. I didn’t know this, but if you suffer from anxiety or depression, you have a higher likelihood of developing post partum depression. I got diagnosed when the baby was 5 weeks old. You are experiencing exactly what I did. I tried to hold on for months and just do talk therapy but last week I finally gave in and took the meds. There’s this new drug called Zurzuvae which you only take for two weeks. I’m on day 3 and I’m past the feeling groggy/drunk part. I feel great today. I will warn you though, the brain fog and sleepiness is insane! Hit me up if you need to talk. I’m on the other side of the country but I’m an ear to listen!

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