Hey. I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s really tough when they’re uncomfortable, and it’s normal to feel a bit helpless. Gaviscon can help, so hopefully, you’ll see some improvement soon. Have you tried different feeding positions or keeping him upright after feeds? ❤️
Gaviscon can cause constipation btw, we struggled a lot with this with iur little one x
Gaviscon made my first so unwell as it made her even more constipated and we ended up in hospital. We then got omeprazole and what a difference so have been given omeprazole straight away this time. As Gaviscon thickens the milk, if would require a faster flow teat. So for example if you used MAM number 1 normally you would need to go to size 2 when using Gaviscon x
We’ve been on gaviscon for almost 2 weeks now. We had a script for lactulose too and we give that twice a day, he’s only ended up constipated once. Have you tried adding in some Colief? That has laxative effects, for us it gave our boy diarrhoea so we had to stop it (before using gaviscon). My HV said to keep up with gaviscon as it can take a while to work. We use a mam size 1 test with it and have no issues with it, I wouldn’t suggest upping the test before speaking to your HV as if the milk flow is too fast that can cause more problems with reflux. As someone else said feed upright with the bottle as horizontal as possible and keep him upright for 15-30 (30 mins best) mins after every feed. We also wind when he drifts off mid feed- HV said this is common with reflux babies. X
In terms of symptoms Our little boy arches his back, kicks off you and tries to get as straight as possible, when it’s really bad he cries in pain and pushes away the bottle but then cries for it as he’s hungry. He doesn’t like us to touch his tummy when winding him. He has hiccups a lot after a bottle and grunts/sounds snuffly. He’s mainly a silent reflux but we’ve switched to goats milk and he does have more spit up now and burps a lot more. x
@Lauren I think I’ll try the formula if this doesn’t work - he only had it once and his poo has become solid 😣 he’s straining more than he used to without it
@Rebecca Pearson thank you, it’s never easy to see our little ones being uncomfortable or in pain and not being able to do anything 🥺 I’m going to try and use it for two weeks how often did you give gaviscon? I always sit him up for 30 mins but he still vomits and starts crying and squirming if it’s too long x
@Kerry yeah I’ve noticed a drastic change in his bowels! Did you find anything else helpful? X
@Samantha oh no 😢 this actually frightens me. What was the signs when your first was really unwell? Did omeprazole have any side effects? I’m guessing the anti reflux would do the same?
@Jess thank you so much! I’ll give colief a go. My baby boy has the same symptoms and he hiccups a lot, I’ve also tried goats milk but that only made him poo more x
She was just so unhappy, kept going super stiff because she was in so much pain. Just cried for hours on end. I never wanted Gaviscon but they refused to help unless we tried it. No side effects for both kids with omeprazole. They were just very reluctant to give it with my first, didn’t believe me that she had reflux 🙃 I never used an anti reflux milk as I wasn’t even aware they did them with my first because no one ever said but I do know people that have used them since and as far as I know they’ve not caused constipation or not to the point of being really unwell x
We started anti reflux formula as gaviscon wasn't doing anything for my boy. It is a massive improvement and he does still poo but they're small, semi solid "pebbles" he doesn't scream and get massively upset anymore