If it’s teething try teething tamer from earthly it works wonders for my daughter I started giving it when she first got teeth and been doing ever since and she loves it
Same here. She will stop eating and will actually go back to only eating baby food. But as long as she eats something I’m ok with the baby food
Pediatrician told me their calorie requirements go way down at this age. The first year of life they triple their birth weight whereas this year, they don’t gain much weight. She told me they will get their calorie requirements over a 2-3 day period. Keep offering healthy foods but if they refuse to eat or don’t eat much, don’t offer junk food or favorite foods, just put the food away and offer it again in an hour or so. If he’s happy and energetic otherwise during the day, it may not be teething he’s probably just not that hungry.
@Courtney I second this 👌 100% he'll eat when he's hungry. Moms tend to make the mistake of trying to force them to eat what we think is "enough" and that just makes things worse in the long run. Keep letting him take charge and he'll eat the calories he needs
@Sophia exactly! And trying to force them to eat more or “enough” can make it worse and cause a negative association with meal times
He could be teething my boy stopped eating his ground meat and softer foods for 3ish days I just gave him apple slices and chicken wings and he ate that