Clear liquid is probably reflux, which is very normal. Don’t worry too much unless she is barely keeping anything down. Keep her upright after feeds if that and the thickener doesn’t seem to help and she seems like She’s uncomfortable you can take her to the doctors if you’re still worried and they’ll be able to give you things to help. But most new borns have reflux and some form and it’s nothing to worry about x
@Jess yes she's always sat up when I'm feeding her and I keep her sat up for about half hour after xx
Ok that’s good 😌 As @Holly said don’t worry too much as she’s still very little and reflux to a degree is normal, but if she starts to show signs of discomfort, such as arching or crying during or after feeds and difficulty settling, then I would speak to the gp. xx
My l.g has had this many a time. Sometimes with speckles in it.its reflux so pretty normal as long as there gaining weight as they should it will improve with time
@Jenny yes my girls sometimes has speckles of milk in it also, she's definitely gaining weight and doesn't seem to be too upset or uncomfortable with it so I won't worry too much about it at the moment xx
It sounds like reflux to me. My little one has reflux, possibly silent reflux and is on omeprazole which has helped a lot. I know it might sound obvious and I apologise if so but do you keep them upright after feeds and are they feeding as upright as possible during? x